Cloudy cider - wait longer??

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Jan 4, 2023
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Looking for a bit of advice if possible?

I moved last year and this with the house came some pretty epic apple trees.

From what I can tell 2 trees produce sweet apples suitable for cider and 2 trees produce apples for cooking.

I picked loads of apples and borrowed a scratter and press (from benthyg-cymru for £20 a week) which was brilliant fun.

I sterilised everything (bottles, tubs, etc) before I started then I bottled the juice as attached in the pictures.

In the 5 litre bottles I used half a pack of yeast and in the big while bottle I used a full pack.

They all fermented a lot for a few weeks but have since stopped.

I was hoping they would clear by now and I could bottle them but I've but they're pretty cloudy.

Should I open them and test the alcohol and bottle them or wait longer?

I've been too scared to open them early incase I ruined them.



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Cider isn't beer, it takes a lot longer for the yeast to settle out. Some people (I'm one) rack the new cider off the yeast-cake just in case, but otherwise it just needs a few more month's time. Bottle when it's clear.
as long as fermentation is complete (hydrometer test) i have often bottled when cloudy. It clears in the bottles just fine - you just get a bit more sediment. That said, leaving it in primary, or transferring to a secondary bulk aging vessell is also fine. I am bulk aging a batch in secondary this year to ascertain if the extra faff is worth it,
The first time I made cider from fruit juice it became cloudy and remained so for several weeks then, maigly, it cleared over a very short time but not gradually. A distinct, horizontal plane formed between clear and cloudy that dropped over about a week.
Hi All,

Sorry for the late reply, I've just bottled one 5L batch and it tasted great, a very slight fizz to it and sweet in flavor. Reminded me a bit of Old Rosie but that may just be because I don't have much to compare it with.

This batch was pasteurized (heated while in a bottle), I didn't put any pectin in but did test with a hydrometer and was reading 1.0 sg.

Its quite strong, around 7.3%.

I did a bigger batch (20L with cooking apples) without pasteurizing it so will give it a few more weeks then bottle everything I think (unless you can advice better)?


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