
The Homebrew Forum

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  1. DominicRL

    Bottling from a Fermzilla gen3 - possible without CO2 tanks?

    Hi folks - hope all well. I'm currently looking into investing in the Fermzilla gen 3.2 with pressure brewing kit, after 16 or so brews using basic plastic buckets (very happy with what I've made, but keen to level up). I see the malt miller has a good deal, and keen to snap up if a sensible...
  2. johnnyivan

    New member in Ireland

    Hi All, I watched my dad brew beer as a kid and teenager, but most of his beer was only drinkable if mixed with supermarket stuff! Some of it occasionally smelled of eggs or tasted of vinegar but he still drank it! Somehow... When my mum said "Why don't you clean and sterilise everything!" He...
  3. muppix

    Carbonation error while bottling Cider - OK to reopen bottles?

    I made a schoolboy error with my priming sugar quantities while bottling strawberry & pear cider yesterday, only added half as much as I intended because I counted litres and multiplied by bottles. D’oh! Am I right in thinking that I can just sanitise the flip-tops, pop ‘em open, and throw in an...
  4. WonderOnesBrewing

    Oxygen Tank

    I'm looking to get a small oxygen tank to oxygenate my wort before pitching the yeast. I have no idea what kind of kit I would need (beside the oxygen tank). If anyone can send me some links to some kit for regulators, oxygenation wand etc, I would be really grateful. I'm a customer of BOC so...
  5. oracleoftruth

    Oxygenation when doing "no chill"

    Hi all, Due to needing to wait an extra day to let the starter build the yeast enough to make a high OG imperial stout, I decided to not run the wort through the grainfather counterflow but just pour it into the FV hot and pitch the next day. I still slowly trickled the wort in from a height...