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  1. pottsworth

    Guten / SS Brewtech stainless fermenter lid comparability.

    Does anyone have one of the ~25l Guten / Angel homebrew / klarstein stainless fermenters, and also an SS brewtech bucket? If so, are the lids cross compatible?
  2. pottsworth

    T-ing cold water supply for immersion chiller

    Has anyone split off a tap supply to provide a water source for an immersion chiller indoors? I’m trying to relocate where I brew, and there is a sink with standard plumbing cut off valves so I can easily break into the pipe, but the only valves I’ve found online are washing machine ones...
  3. pottsworth

    Fast ferment Bromsgrove

    Would anyone be interested in a 7 gallon fast ferment? It includes the stand, sample tap, and I’ve replaced the brass thermowell with a SS one, that also holds the probe in better. cost me about £135 for all the bits new, so £60? will be thouraghlly washed out with PBW and re-PTFE-ed
  4. pottsworth

    False bottom for ss brewbucket

    Has anyone found a way to create some sort of false bottom for the SS brewbucket. Ideally something that would allow yeast to settle through it, but keep hop debris on top (if such a thing is possible), or just filters the clear beer like a kettle false bottom? My LHBS only sells whole leaf...
  5. pottsworth

    Extractor hood

    I get quite a bit of condensation when brewing in the winter. I tried putting in an extractor fan, but it hasn’t made any difference. I was thinking of trying to do something with a length of tumble dryer hose, with on end attached to the extractor fan, and the other end to some sort of large...
  6. pottsworth

    eBay/amazon counter pressure bottle filler

    Has anyone tried one of these? The price is attractive, especially considering how infrequently I’d use it, but the annotations on the pictures don’t exactly fill me with confidence!
  7. pottsworth

    Quick conditioning stout

    Does anyone have advice / a recipe for a stout that could be ready to drink fairly quickly? The last couple of batches I’ve made have taken a couple of months to smooth out in a bottle, but I was hoping to keg one and have it ready for Christmas.
  8. pottsworth

    Reducing trub into fermenter

    Has anyone got any good ways of reducing the kettle trub going into the fermenter? I normally brew with a guten all in one (hopcat/ace/klarstein), or sometimes do stove top BIAB for smaller batches. In both cases I ferment in a fast ferment (30l for the guten, 11l for the BIAB), and I almost...
  9. pottsworth

    Glycol / other chiller pipe insulation

    Has anyone got any experience of lagging glycol / other chiller lines, and if so, what did you use? I’ve built a Peltier cooking setup (separate thread to follow), and on the second 2 hour test run the pipes got covered with condensation, so I figured I need something if it’s going to be...
  10. pottsworth

    Home made cooling coils for temp control

    After my last 2 batches both getting up to ~23 during fermentation, I've bought the bits to build a peltier based cooling system. The one thing I still need to work out is a way of actually cooling the beer with the cold liquid. I have a fastferment plastic conical, so figured I probably need...
  11. pottsworth

    Extra bitterness in beer

    I've now had a few batches of beer that have come out with an unexpected bitterness. I had wondered if I was using too much bittering hop, by latest attempt was the Mad Fermentationish NEIPA, which had no hops atall before 15 minutes, and should only have come in at ~35 IBUs, but yet again I...
  12. pottsworth

    UBU recipe

    I got married last weekend, and being as we were just a handful of miles from the purity brewery, I plumped for UBU as our wedding ale. When I asked the new Mrs Pottsworth what she fancied having on tap next (a general sure fire way to get any brew day approved), she said "You've just done a...
  13. pottsworth

    “Black box” stc1000+ mod

    Has anyone else built one of these? I’ve got as far as buying the right stc1000, and reprogramming it with the temperature profiles, but need to buy the bits to build it into a box with proper outlets. Once I got the right stc1000 it was pretty straightforward...
  14. pottsworth

    Anvil stainless bucket vs ss brewtech bucket vs brew builder conical.

    So after a couple of years using my fastferment, and a couple of "carryover" flavours, I'm looking at stainless fermenter, mainly for ease of cleaning, and also lack of porosity. Does anyone have experience with one or more of the above? The anvil seems great value for the price, and can take...
  15. pottsworth

    Stuck fermentation

    I seem to have got my first stuck fermentation. I was aiming for a stone ipa clone, and hit 1.060 og, but totally forgot to chill my starter wort, and dumped yeast straight into a near boiling starter. I ditched that and chucked in a (with hindsight quite old) pack of us-05. Fermentation never...
  16. pottsworth

    Cold sparge or full volume boil on all in one system

    Ive done a couple of brews now on my mibrewery (same as ace/klarstein/brew devil etc.), and the one thing that prevents it being a true one-vessel brew day is the need to heat sparge water. Has anyone tried either full volume mash, or cold water sparging (or any other method) with one of these...
  17. pottsworth

    Klarstein fermenter

    Has anyone tried one of the Klarstein fermenters (which they call a mash kettle?!)? I’ve been seriously coveting one of the SS brew buckets, but the fact the klarstein ones are half the price is pretty attractive, even if it does lack the thermowell and nifty rotating racking arm (not sure if...
  18. pottsworth

    eBIAB setup

    I’m looking at up-sizing my kettle, as I currently have a 20 litre pot which limits me to half batch for biab, or extract if I want to do a corny full. Ideally I’d like to go for something with an electronic temperature controller, so was thinking of something like this...
  19. pottsworth

    Steeping oats for an extract NEIPA

    I was planning to have a go at an extract NEIPA later today. I only want to use oats for haziness / mouthfeel, not OG, but have seen all sorts of conflicting stuff about if steeping them will give the required result, or if I need to do a mini mash. I've tried reading the relevant bit of...
  20. pottsworth

    How long before kegerating

    im currently doing a razorback IPA, that says to ferment for 10 days, then keg/bottle, and leave in the warm for another 14 days for secondary fermentation. I'm planning on putting it straight into a cold kegerator, so how long would people recommend I leave it in the fermenter for? I've got a...