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  1. T

    Tube reducer . . . . . . . . .

    A friend has kindly loaned me their conical fermenter. I'd like to continue bottling my beer from it but for the life of me I can't work out how to connect up my bottling stick to it. I need some type of pipe/tube reducer. Picture below for info. Can anyone help please? Many thanks. Metal...
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    Cider . . . . . a bit vinegary . . . . should I drink it?

    Hi Folks, my cider tastes a little bit vinegary. I would like to persevere and drink it but not if it will make me ill. Should I drink it? I really don't want to throw it away. I made it in November from garden apples. The juice was incredibly sweet so had high hopes. Wanting to be as...
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    Turbo cider.

    Just wanted to let people know that if you're thinking of making a turbo cider . . . DO IT!!! I have made 3 x 10 litre batches this year and they have all been really really good. I can't recommend it enough. My recipe, as follows: 10litres of Apple Juice (59p/litre from Quality Save...
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    Elderberry explosion . . . . . .

    We came to the last of 5 bottle batch of elderberry wine from last Autumn. I had noticed the cork was sticking out the bottle a little but didn't pay too much attention to it as I've had varying results from corking. Anyway, a few seconds in to getting the cork out of the bottle WOOOOSH . . ...
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    Clearing my ginger wine .

    Hi folks, I have two batches of ginger wine ready for bottling. They look good (slightly different colours due to differing recipes). Not crystal clear but not bad and I'd be happy to drink as they are. The Mrs likes them clearer so I've bought Ritches kwikclear but my question is do I need...
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    Can I use buckets for a wine kit?

    Hi Folks, I'm 2/3rds of the way through making a California Connoisseur Merlot 6 bottle kit and I have to say, the sneaky little taste I had today was very good. So already thinking of making one of the bigger kits. I have plenty of large buckets which I've brewed my beer in but I don't have a...
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    Secondary / Bottling bucket confusion . . . . . . .

    Hi folks, I'm a little confused. Making my second batch of Cooper Stout and wanted to improve my bottling as v messy last time. Once fermentation is complete in primary is it best to rack straight to the bottling bucket and batch prime and then bottle immediately? Or is there benefit in...
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    Do you need a lid on extract or BIAB brewing?

    Hi Folks, I'm looking to invest in a second hand stockpot, approx 28cm (15 litres), as I expect to do extract or BIAB (or both) sometime this year. I see a number of pots available at a good price but many don't have a lid, is that a problem? Also, is 15 litre big enough (or too big?)? Many...
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    Wychwood Hobgoblin £1.25 in Tescos.

    £1.25 a bottle in my Tescos, best price I've seen for a while. I'm drinking this whilst I'm waiting for my beer and wine to condition. I like it alot and I like the bottles too for me own brew!!
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    Which Coopers Stout . . . . . . . . ?

    Hi Folks, I plan to do the Coopers stout next which I read from the forum is very highly reviewed and recommended. But I find two Coopers stouts when searching on tinterweb. Thomas Coopers Irish Stout or Coopers Australian Stout? Which is the one everyone recommends? Many thanks.
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    To boil or not to boil . . . . . .

    Hi folks, I have started this ginger wine recipe. It asks for 2.5ltrs of boiling water but no boiling. I have followed the recipe as written but now wondering if it might have been safer to boil the ginger, raisins etc . . in order to properly get rid of any nasties. Any thoughts or views on...
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    Parsnip wine won't start fermenting . . . . . .

    Hi Folks, I have followed this parsnip wine recipe very carefully but after adding the yeast there is no activity at all after two days. What should I do?
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    Elderberry wine . . . . can I top up the demi john?

    Hi folks, reasonably new to this game and thoroughly enjoying it. I have made almost a gallon of Elderberry wine which has been fiercly bubbling away in the demi john. I will soon rack off in to a clean DJ once the fermentation has slowed. My question is . . . would it be OK to top up the...
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    Brand new with a Wherry stuttering start . . . . .

    Hi Folks, just saying hello as I am new to home brew and new to the Forum. I started my first Woodfordes Wherry last week and it stopped fermenting about day 3-4. I was concerned that I had not stirred and disolved the contents of the cans well enough and that some of it was sat at the bottom...