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Jun 11, 2020
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I have been looking back at my recipes and brewdays and nearly all of my brews have been either pale Ale/IPA/Golden ale types or stouts.

I fancy brewing something different (not sour or funky though), and maybe something English.

I’ve had a look on Brewfather etc, and the choices are huge. Does anyone have any good tried and tested recipes? I’d be grateful if you could share.

I have the following ingredients available:


1 x Best Wheat Malt 0.7 kg Crushed (BESTMALZ) 4 EBC

2 x Caramunich Type I - CRUSHED Malt 500g (Weyermanns 80-100 EBC)

1 x Hook Head Irish Pale Malt (Crushed) 25kg 4-6 EBC (Minch)

2 x Cara Red 500g Crushed (Weyermanns) (less 40g)

1 x Crystal - Crushed grain 250 EBC 500g
1 x Crystal - crushed grain 500g 145 EBC

1 x Chocolate - crushed grains 500g

1 x Roast Barley - crushed grains 500g 1300EBC
1 x Crystal - Crushed grain 113 EBC 500g

1 x Bramling Cross Pellet 100g- AA 7.0% 2022 Harvest
1 x Olicana Pellets 100g AA 6.9% 2021 Harvest
1 x Jester Pellets 100g AA 15% 2021 Harvest
320g CML US C Hop mix
150g or so of El Dorado
36g Summit
50g CML Māori Mingle
54g East Kent Goldings


Safale S04
CML Five
CML Atlantic
CML Four
CML Beoir

If I brew your recipe I’ll Chuck a couple of bottles in the post for you 😃👍🏻
I don't have a exact recipe but how about a dark mild. Pale malt, a crystal or 2 and a little chocolate for colour. Ekg or Bram x

Or a strong bitter, like above but drop the chocolate.
I'll suggest an Irish Red

Since I have no idea of your brewlength:

85% Hook Head
6% Wheat Malt
3% Crystal 250
2.5% Carared
2.5% Crystal 113
1% Roasted Barley (Or whatever you need to achieve an EBC of ~25)

To an OG of 1.042-1.045

22ibu of Bramling Cross at 60 mins

3ibu of EKG at 5 mins (Or 1g/l)

Beoir yeast.
I ended up making another stout last week, and I love stout.

Tomorrow’s brew day is going to be “something different” brew,

I fancy making a bitter. I’ve had a look at a few OB recipes, the suggestions above and tweaked to what ingredients I have in. This is the current plan:

1.043 OG
23 EBC
34 IBU
4.3% ABV

4kg Minch Pale Malt
230g crystal 150
170g wheat malt
140g crystal 110
30g roast barley (to increase the colour to compensate for the light crystals.

30m boil:
30g Bramling Cross @30
20 Bramling cross @15
25g Bramling cross @5
25g Bramling cross for a hop stand/ whirlpool

I’ve two options for fermenting: CML Beior, or I can use some of the SO4 trub from my stout I plan to keg tomorrow.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated 👍🏻
I’d give a second vote to a Red with the ingredients you’ve got..

I’ve just brewed my first using Citra and Columbus for a more hop forward American Red. First taste last night was great.
You could do one using the CML C hop mix if you went down this route.

Bitter with Bramling Cross is a good shout as well. I’d maybe reduce a touch or increase the wheat malt a touch.
Yeast wise can’t comment as I’ve never re-used yeast.. Beoir should be perfect for a bitter though 👍
I'm not sure about the roast barley in it. However, I really like Bramling X and think it's great in a bitter!
I’m not either to be honest, I’ve seen a few bitter recipes with a little bit in, presumably for colour.

Adding this increases the EBC from 17 to 23, which better puts it better in the style range. Would 30g in 23l contribute significantly to flavour?
I’m not either to be honest, I’ve seen a few bitter recipes with a little bit in, presumably for colour.

Adding this increases the EBC from 17 to 23, which better puts it better in the style range. Would 30g in 23l contribute significantly to flavour?

I don't know if im honest, i mean it's a tiny amount and it shouldnt do, it just doesn't sound right to me. But if you've seen some recipes with it in then go for it. 👍
Thanks all for your advice.

I’ve settled on the following for a 23l batch, it’s currently chilling:

4kg Minch pale malt
230g crystal 150
170g wheat malt
140g crystal 100
20g roasted barley (I used all the choc malt in my stout last week)

Mashed at 68C for one hour.

30 minute boil:

30g Bramling Cross (7%) @30
25g EKG (4.1%) @15, and a protofloc
25g each EKG & Bramling cross @5

Will ferment at 19C with CML Beior.

OG was 1.042
Should be 32IBU, 21EBC and end up at 4.2% ABV.

its my first best bitter, I’ll see how it turns out 👍🏻

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