Bought myself an Easter present

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Feb 16, 2015
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The Biere de Guarde was finishing carbonation and I was wondering where I could put it to lager for a few months. My beer fridge/freezer is full and I didn't want to sacrifice the brewfridge for that long. So there was only one solution...


A shiney new fridge :cool:. That should do it.

Had to laugh at the packaging, its an English Electric fridge...


Made in China...


Does a fridge freezer count as a fridge and a freezer?
I'm 3 fridge freezers, one keg fridge with 8 kegs in and a freezer mostly full of food, though my wife says it's full of hops.
I've got some catching up to do by the sounds of it.

Discovered a problem with the fridge, the spacing for the shelves. To get the four shelves in you need to have them on every second notch/support but that gap is about an inch smaller than the height of a bottle so you need to go to every three which leaves a big gap and you lose a shelf. Not a problem yet, but will be when it starts to fill up. Not something I had given any thought to when I bought it. Going to design something that will give me more spacing options, some kind of wooden strut things I'm thinking at the moment.
Five seems to be the goal 🤣
Sure is. I am on 4 currently and trying to figure out where to hide the 5th.
1 x keezer
1 x kegerator
1 x fermentation fridge
1 x hop freezer

As I wrote that, I realised where I have gone wrong. I should didtch the hop chest freezer and find a fridge-freezer so hops can go in the freezer and kegs condition in the fridge.
Sure is. I am on 4 currently and trying to figure out where to hide the 5th.
1 x keezer
1 x kegerator
1 x fermentation fridge
1 x hop freezer

As I wrote that, I realised where I have gone wrong. I should didtch the hop chest freezer and find a fridge-freezer so hops can go in the freezer and kegs condition in the fridge.
Where do you keep the food? Your count must be one short at least.

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