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  1. O

    Priming old cider bottles?

    Leave them indoors for a few days after priming - if you put them straight out chances are the yeast won't have a chance to carbonate them as it'll be too cold.
  2. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    My cascade has a bit of an underwhelming crop again. It is nearly there but still needs a wee bit longer. Though I'm normally at least a week later than this anyway. Happily the cutting I took this spring has also got a few cones, though its well intertwined with the raspberries!
  3. O

    Another Kegerator - cutting drain channel at the back

    Thanks largely to reading the experiences of others here and a kit from brewkegtap funded by my 40th, I've put together a Kegerator. It's been working really nicely with two kegs, but of course I'm always after the next project! First a wee bit about where it is already. Skip to the end for my...
  4. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    That's my cascade picked now. Smells great! Alas, only 2/3 the crop I got the first year - exactly 100g wet, 30g dry. Enough for a small batch!
  5. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    I assume so. I'm in Stirling. Oddly the rest now the growing seems to be earlier this year - from first shoots to burrs - but the final stage is easily about two weeks longer than last year. (Only second years growth though so don't have a good feel for 'normal' yet)
  6. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    Waiting another week for my cascade. Its definitely almost there - the pic below is one of the most ripe cones and it smells great - but most still green and not quite papery. Frustrating! Was all geared up to do it today.
  7. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    Maybe something about the wet spells over the past month or so? I had four strong bines this year (would have been five but a windy day in June snapped one) compared with two last year, but it looks like a similar number of cones. I guess the proof will be when they're picked which hopefully...
  8. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    I was tempted to do something like that but free time is scarce over the next few weeks so I've just got one of these. Probably another week or two before harvest here in Stirling - still looking earlier than last year though. I was a bit concerned about last week's rain but we seem to have...
  9. O

    Love Brewing New Kit Giveaway!

    Old Reptonian Drifter IPA please
  10. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    Good set of burrs appearing on my cascade now. Looking forward to a decent second year's crop! Last year's led to a very nice beer indeed. Last time I just ran the oven on low for a day to dry out the cones but I'm thinking about getting a food dehydrator for this year's crop. Any recommendations?
  11. O

    Swing top bottles

    I have these too. Got them about a year ago. I find they're a bit fussy about having the tops seated straight, but still maybe 1 in 5 doesn't seal well. I got some replacement seals, regular O type, from ebay and replace them whenever one results in a flat beer. that seems to have fixed it.
  12. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    Cascade coming on a treat in Stirling. 2nd year, and 5 strong bines compared to the 2 I had last year. Watching out for white flies as I had a few early on last year. Fortunately they were easily sent off and didn't come back. The beer I got out of last year's batch has turned out great so...
  13. O

    Keg That Giveaway!

    hazy IPA please
  14. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    Very excited here, first year Cascade has a good few burrs now. Having hit the top of the strings it's gone a bit mad at the top! Hoping the good summer weather continues well in to September. (unlikely for Scotland but here's hoping)
  15. O

    Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

    Excellent timing - a few days later and there were some nasty looking black insects crawling all over the fresh leaves. One spraying later with a generic bug treatment and they are gone! Seem to be staying away for now. (the plant has also, as of today, reached the top of my strings. 2/3 up a...