Recent content by Half Full

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  1. Half Full

    2 litres apple juice for £1 at Farmfoods

    2 x 1 L for a quid or 69p each. From concentrate. I used for blackberry and apple tc and it was fine. Go the website to find your nearest. Best, Steve
  2. Half Full

    What to make with Tokay wine yeast.

    A quick google suggests people use it for mead. Copied from another board (props to original poster):- My hands-down favorite yeast for mead however is Tokaji (aka Tokay) yeast. This is the yeast naturally used to make the legendary Hungarian Tokaji wine, the most famous varieties of which are...
  3. Half Full

    Modified Wilkos 30 bottle pinot grigio

    This is a 1.7 kg kit containing 46% juice, bought for £9 in last years Jan sale. Best before April 2015 so no issues there. Chucked the supplied yeast and nutrient away. These kits are supposed to be a bit thin, so brewing very short to 10 litres with lalvin EC-1118 left over from cider...
  4. Half Full

    Champagne Ideas...

    I remember Heston Blumenthal did an experi where he gassed Blue Nun wine in an old sodastream and gave it to some city b(w)ankers. They seemed to think it tasted as good, or better than real Champagne. There's a Youtube vid of the episode here [youtube:2xp5mfh2]xlMwud7SxEA[/youtube:2xp5mfh2]
  5. Half Full

    Best bar snack

    A noisy child, washed down with the irresponsible parent :D Then pork scratchings.
  6. Half Full

    Mousey smell in beer?

    Think I have established the cause :doh: Left a golden ale to brew in the garage for a couple of weeks and returned to a lot of droppings and a distinct odour of wee... Fridge temp now lowered from 18C to a less balmy 4C. Hoping the beer, and occupants, will clear out :roll: Steve
  7. Half Full

    The Leaning Stilton of Eccles take two.

    Fascinating thread; kind of like extreme sports without leaving the house. I hope you have an upstairs and downstairs loo for Boxing Day, or are you planning on testing on the cat first? Joking aside, I wish you luck with this project, and will follow with interest, albeit from a distance, and...
  8. Half Full

    Pork Pie Recipe Please

    You are welcome. Confess I would love to know how you are going about the homemade stilton; not sure anyone else picked up on that! Making a good cheese is on my bucket list ;)
  9. Half Full

    Pork Pie Recipe Please

    If you cut your pork up rather than mince it, you get a nice meaty texture rather than a homogeneous lump. Looks homemade, but classy too. When you have you mixture ready, fry some in a pan to check seasoning. If you dont want to boil a trotter for jelly, use gelatin and some good quality...
  10. Half Full

    Space stuff...

    Hi Sam, it is a single 2 minute sub using a fast (f2.8) 100mm macro lense. Guided using iOptron Skytracker 2 & Canon DSLR. The dark site helped!
  11. Half Full

    Space stuff...

    Mankind getting in the way of the infinite....
  12. Half Full

    Do you sterilise your cider press?

    Well I scrumped 20kgs of apples on a bicycle ride today (panniers + backpack) and have turned them into 11 litres of juice. I will be gutted if I lose even that much!! I think I will retire too. Sort of enjoyable, but far too knackering !!
  13. Half Full

    Do you sterilise your cider press?

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: That must still hurt 10 years later!
  14. Half Full

    Do you sterilise your cider press?

    Sorry, I meant sulphite (campden tablet) the must for 24 hrs before pitching.... not sulphite the press :doh:
  15. Half Full

    Do you sterilise your cider press?

    Thank you for the replies. I have about 75 lbs apples in 5 carrier bags to process this weekend. They will give my new food processor something to chew on before going through the press, sulfite for 24hrs then pitch some lalvin ec-1118. Couple of 10 litre fermenters coming if the Yodel van...