Recent content by Danny-CIPA

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  1. Danny-CIPA

    Brewing Kveik IPA

    Just brewed a Hornindal brew yesterday absolute ripper fermentation looks to be pretty much done in less than 24 hours. Will let it sit for another week.
  2. Danny-CIPA

    CO2 suppliers near Lake District please

    Apologies for jumping on an old thread but it looks like this company no longer exists so does anyone know if there is anywhere else that will refill a c02 cylinder in and around the south lakes area?
  3. Danny-CIPA

    Dry yeast and hop combo

    Thanks all for the comprehensive suggestions I will take some of this and formulate my next Recipe. I'm sold on the Idaho 7, Citra & Mosaic as my next test. Just to settle on the yeast now. I've got some S-04 and Bry-97 in the fridge so that's the easy option. Anyone made a NEIPA with Bry-97?
  4. Danny-CIPA

    Dry yeast and hop combo

    Just sipping on a can tonight single hopped with Nelson Sauvin and I've got to say it's a weird one. It's almost like the aroma is really sour makes your nose feel metallicy when smelling it but it tastes pretty good. I might enjoy it matched with Citra but as a complimentary addition. 👍
  5. Danny-CIPA

    Dry yeast and hop combo

    Fair comment. I know I like Citra I drink a lot of normal IPAs with just citra and they are right up my street. I might start splitting my batches up and doing some single hop beers just to find out what works for me. I've only had 4 brew days so lots to learn. 👍
  6. Danny-CIPA

    Dry yeast and hop combo

    Interesting I will report back when I taste it again I've been trying to find a description for it 🤣
  7. Danny-CIPA

    Dry yeast and hop combo

    Thanks yeah I can't put my finger on it. I got 6 different beers and 2 of them were decent but to be fair I was half cut when I had them so I'll put that down to that. 8+ % beers were the worst offenders for me. On the Galaxy note that's the conclusion I'm coming to myself I've noticed this...
  8. Danny-CIPA

    Dry yeast and hop combo

    Afternoon all, I'm looking for a dry yeast and hop combination for my next NEIPA. I've brewed with Lallemand Verdant IPA yeast last 2 brews and I'm not 100% sold on it though my 2nd attempt with it is much better. My partner got me a 6 can sampler from Verdant (talk about expensive 🫣) for my...
  9. Danny-CIPA

    New Ispindel - when to dry hop?

    Some of these guys have been helping me with a similar issue with mine. My OG has been off by a similar amount so for now until I can be bothered to calibrate it I've offset the value of my iSpindle in Brewfather to the measured hydrometer reading. In your case you could offset it by +8 if...
  10. Danny-CIPA


    I guess I should really calibrate it myself then. I'm sold on the idea it won't give good readings for FG which is totally fine but I really want my OG to be as close as possible so I can make adjustments to temperature at a specified point from FG. Right now with it being so far off on OG I...
  11. Danny-CIPA


    Super thanks for the responses. Much appreciated!
  12. Danny-CIPA


    Perfect thanks for the response yeah that makes sense surrounding the FG. I will make sure I take some better readings on my next brew and try your tool to readjust my iSpindle. As you seem to know about this would you say a refractometer is better than a hydrometer? I currently have a...
  13. Danny-CIPA


    Morning all, I recently got myself an iSpindle to take away the need of pulling off samples for readings. First off it's an awesome little bit of kit for the price when linked to your brewing software, mine being brewfather. However I bought it "calibrated" and have just trusted that it was...
  14. Danny-CIPA

    What did you brew today?

    I can second the comments, I've got that model myself I think you get a bit better than what you pay for. Only thing I would note is, on my machine, the temperature is quite a bit off from what the probe says to what's going on up top. I dumped my first batch on it as it was bitter beyond...
  15. Danny-CIPA

    What did you brew today?

    Kegged up my 3rd attempt at a NEIPA yesterday and it smells delicious, tastes really green at the moment but I have high hopes for this one. As it was snowy and cold I also had an impromptu first attempt at a lager that I'm letting ride at room temp under pressure. Should be really light and...