Recent content by Alan_H

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  1. Alan_H

    Greetings from Bratislava :)

    Of course - you can also call me for a pint when you'll be here :grin: Try a place called Starosloviensky Pivovar or Richtar Jakub - this one has a big selection of crafted beers, not all of them always available. Fabrika the Beer Pub has mainly Kaltenecker beer, a Brewery from Eastern Slovakia...
  2. Alan_H

    Greetings from Bratislava :)

    Hi jonesy_sk and welcome. We can meet and chat about beer stuff, equipment, etc if you'd like :) Thanks for adding us to the member map, Chippy_Tea :)
  3. Alan_H

    Cold Sparging

    I watched a video of an Aussie doing a cold sparge and I thought I'll save some time - bad idea, I came out round 10 gravity points less than estimated - never again.
  4. Alan_H

    A very good afternoon all

    Hi Sam - as Grizzly299 mentioned have a read on "How to Brew". There are plenty of other useful books around: Mastering Homebrew [Randy Mosher], Designing Great Beers [Ray Daniels], Extreme Brewing [Sam Calagione] to name but a few.
  5. Alan_H

    New brewer

    Keep it in a cool spot for a couple of weeks then in the fridge. If you put it in the fridge directly, carbonation might not happen / it might take longer, depending on yeast, etc..
  6. Alan_H

    Hello from Provence

    Bienvenue! I realise it's far from you, but my friend has a brewery in Metz - Bon Poison :) I know he sells beers somewhere else too, but not sure where exactly. Maybe a pub in your city sells them.
  7. Alan_H

    brewing temperature

    Yeah, invest in a brew fridge and something like ITC-1000 from Inkbird which allows you to connect it to the fridge and to a heating source as well.
  8. Alan_H

    A little concerned...

    That's it.. if it smells and tastes okay, no need to worry about anything :)
  9. Alan_H

    Hop pellet problem

    So how do you dose your hops, depending on their alpha%? Or you just don't bother since it's a relatively small qty..?
  10. Alan_H

    Vermont IPA Brewday

    thanks, man :) of course I googled it, I'm just avoiding buying from other countries unless I get more things. Getting 50g of Hallertau Blanc for 2GBP and paying 10 for shipment is not exactly clever :lol: But thanks for the tip anyway :thumb:
  11. Alan_H

    Vermont IPA Brewday

    I recently tasted my friend's midsummer ale cold-hopped with Hallertau Blanc - amazing hops!! I cannot find them here though.. at least for now.
  12. Alan_H

    Cooling fermentor sensor on fermentor or in air?

    I keep my temp sensor on the fermentor but I usually read a 1-2°C difference between ITC 1000 [lower] and the tape thermometer [higher] and I trust the latter, meaning I adjust the ITC temp accordingly.
  13. Alan_H

    Eu result!

    That wouldn't be democracy and if something went wrong, everyone would blame those few people anyway... You guys have a good economy, the reason why UK never changed their pound to eur - I think you'll be just fine w/o EU.
  14. Alan_H


    Use the "new recipe" tool on Brewer's friend here
  15. Alan_H

    Citra brew

    Citra is great for late addition / cold-hopping. I wouldn't say No to any given combination, that's what homebrew is all about, no? :) Besides, it's always a matter of personal taste - what you like others might not, and so forth.