The downfall of the Tory party.

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We have a fantastic local candidate that I will be voting for, he has done far more for the local area than any of the main parties despite not being in office. Unfortunately I can't see him getting in as I live in an area that had been labour since the seat was created and I think people will vote labour "because that's what I've always done" ... And will then spend the next 4 years moaning that nothing is being done and they only see or hear of our MP when it's voting time again 😔
We have a fantastic local candidate that I will be voting for, he has done far more for the local area than any of the main parties despite not being in office. Unfortunately I can't see him getting in as I live in an area that had been labour since the seat was created and I think people will vote labour "because that's what I've always done" ... And will then spend the next 4 years moaning that nothing is being done and they only see or hear of our MP when it's voting time again 😔
Please could you tell what he has done without being in office?
Big things are started a food bank, holds mental health clinics, constantly providing food parcels/electrical items/furniture to families in need. Also does a lot of small things such as was out gritting the town centre when the council had refused to do it, campaigning on local issues such as fly-tipping which has become a big problem in the area
When it comes to voting, do consider independent candidates too. They are more likely to take local issues up, and will not be bound by party politics.

If everyone actually voted for the best local candidate and smashed party politics altogether then we’d have a more representative democracy.
But no government.
yes s
But no government.
Yes sadly in the outdated first past the post system this is wasted vote, just making the case for Proportional Representation even stronger, here in Scotland and in Wales the PR system allows you express your votes in this manner, my area for example I will never unseat the labour snp strangle hold in the local seats, but using my extra votes I can get independent or smaller parties to have a voice at the table
Big things are started a food bank, holds mental health clinics, constantly providing food parcels/electrical items/furniture to families in need.
In a civilised country none of these would be provided by charities and concerned citizens, they should not be needed. Unfortunately the present government does not regard poverty as a concern and would rather give away tax cuts to billionaires than fund a proper welfare state. Labour are not much better in this regard, unless they are just keeping their powder dry until after the election.
In a civilised country none of these would be provided by charities and concerned citizens, they should not be needed. Unfortunately the present government does not regard poverty as a concern and would rather give away tax cuts to billionaires than fund a proper welfare state. Labour are not much better in this regard, unless they are just keeping their powder dry until after the election.
As you say it shouldn't be a problem but unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world so come on election time I will be voting for the person that I trust to have their heart in the local community and I don't have that feeling from the candidates of the major parties
You could make the same argument that any vote that isn't for the winning candidate in a safe seat is a wasted vote. Only votes in `swing seats' is of any value. And you'd be right.
yes in the antiquated first past the post system this is absolutely true.

PR is fairer in every aspect, the recent events in the Scottish Parliament taking the SNP back to minority government is how PR was designed to work to stop a majority steam rolling every discussion and having genuine debate and cross party consensus.
Will each party agree on every subject heck no and that is healthy system and the government needs work to gain to support across its bills, cannot see how that is not a good thing.

Its ridiculous that people fought for the right to vote but under First Past the Post votes are wasted that is a fact and you end up with an elected government with only 43% of the vote how is that democratic ?
So migrants who's claims fail will be given £3000 to get on a plane aheadbutt

Meanwhile, a first failed asylum seeker has gone to Rwanda under a separate voluntary removals programme.
Under the scheme, announced in March, migrants whose claims are rejected are offered up to £3,000 to move to the east African country.
The Sun, which first reported the story, said the unnamed man was flown out of the UK on Monday on a commercial flight.
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called news of the voluntary return a "pre-election gimmick," adding taxpayers were "forking out £3,000 for a volunteer to board a plane".
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: "They've had to pay someone £3,000. There's a suspicion out there that this is about an election - it's not about seriously stopping the boats."

Full article -
So migrants who's claims fail will be given £3000 to get on a plane aheadbutt

Meanwhile, a first failed asylum seeker has gone to Rwanda under a separate voluntary removals programme.
Under the scheme, announced in March, migrants whose claims are rejected are offered up to £3,000 to move to the east African country.
The Sun, which first reported the story, said the unnamed man was flown out of the UK on Monday on a commercial flight.
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called news of the voluntary return a "pre-election gimmick," adding taxpayers were "forking out £3,000 for a volunteer to board a plane".
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: "They've had to pay someone £3,000. There's a suspicion out there that this is about an election - it's not about seriously stopping the boats."

Full article -
it gets better not was this a volunteer receiving £3k and flying on a commercial flight, they will also receive 5 years free board and lodging when they arrive to ensure they stay.

Between that and creation of a new hard border manned by armed police at the Irish border as the row rumbles on about people entering via Ireland.
it gets better not was this a volunteer receiving £3k and flying on a commercial flight, they will also receive 5 years free board and lodging when they arrive to ensure they stay.
And they get Rwandan citizenship, which means that if they come back to the UK, under the treaty the one place we can't send them is Rwanda....

Meanwhile six people have come from Rwanda and successfully claimed asylum in the UK, and we've paid them £290m....
And they get Rwandan citizenship, which means that if they come back to the UK, under the treaty the one place we can't send them is Rwanda....

Meanwhile six people have come from Rwanda and successfully claimed asylum in the UK, and we've paid them £290m....
FFS this lot shouldn't be allowed to run a bath let alone the country.
And they get Rwandan citizenship, which means that if they come back to the UK, under the treaty the one place we can't send them is Rwanda....

Meanwhile six people have come from Rwanda and successfully claimed asylum in the UK, and we've paid them £290m....

yep a publicity stunt as we gear up for election how this actually fixes the problem is beyond me, the small boats nonsense was not the real issue smoke and mirrors yet again
Its looking grim for the Tories Sunak is on the radio telling the hard of thinking its all going to change come the general election aheadbutt

34 results still to come in -


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